One of my favorite ways to teach golf to my students is through comparing other sports to golf. For your video today, I am going to show you how the side arm baseball throw can help your golf game. Your golf swing happens in under one second and this will help you move your body better. Since golf and baseball are both side-on games it’s great to see the comparison. Imagine yourself as a pitcher and make an under arm side arm pitch. Next, grab a golf ball and hold it in your fingers of your trail arm. Go ahead and pivot back putting your trail arm in a backswing position. Your right arm should be bent and your palm will be facing the sky.
Next, make a side arm (under arm) throwing motion. You can throw the ball down the fairway or at a target. Notice yourself moving towards the target, your hips turning, weight moving to your front foot and your trail arm fully extending. You will also feel how your right shoulder tilts down and you actually side bend similar to a golf swing. This is a motion of tilting and turning all by a simple move of throwing the ball under arm. In the video below watch how simple you can make the golf motion by imagining and practicing in this manner.
You can greatly effect your ball striking by creating a motion. Your motion is fluid with no “hit” at the ball. You will be able to hit through the ball. Watch all of the greatest players in the world and you will see a fluid motion with no thought of the ball. Watch this video and you will see a motion that allows a good pivot with the shoulders, hips and knees. The shoulders and hips open properly on the downswing with no thought of doing. Your trail foot will move properly. Your trail arm will go from being bent to straight and your trail wrist will retain the bend. Your head will appear to be staying down but we know from 3D you are turning, tilting and extending.
Most importantly, your head will move on the pivot. Many of my students come to me trying to keep their head down. Your head will stay in place by moving your body correctly. There are so many wonderful golf swing motions you will garner from this video.